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Orion Ornamental Iron
May 19th, 2017
Traversing with Somfy
The convenience and luxury of motorization
Traversing with Somfy Motorization

Somfy Motorization offers smooth, quiet and powerful motor operation for your traversing drapery creations. It's simple to use, provides optimal stacking, and eliminates the wear and tear of manually moving draperies to keep them looking beautiful.

Orion offers three traversing collections that all go great with Somfy motorization. Designers’ Choice features traversing in iron and wood styles. Tuscany Traversing is our collection of lightweight embossed metal designs. And Deco Lite Traversing allows you to create a modern and sleek look with its crisp straight lines.

Orion offers nearly 200 different finials and 52 beautiful finishes to compliment your traversing system. You can even do your own custom finish. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to create that perfect design!

10% off Traversing with Somfy
As part of our current Spring Sale, take an additional 10% off your Traversing with Somfy Motorization order! Promo Code: PR217SMFY10

  Iron Styles & Finishes
Smooth Round, Hammered Round, Fluted, Square
11 Tuscany or 11 Deco Lite Fascia Styles 35 Iron Art Finishes
  Wood Styles & Finishes
Smooth Round, Fluted,
& Rope Fascia Styles
11 Wood Art or 35 Iron Art Finishes
  Italian Styles & Finishes
Smooth Round or
Square Fascia Styles
6 Italian Finishes
  Single or double
track systems.
  Front tracks are available with or without rings.
  Round Iron and Italian fascia designs can be curved for special applications like bay windows.
  Glydea 60e Motor Features Touch Motion, allowing you to open and close the drapery by simply pulling on the fabric, as well as a full range of other control options.
Celebrating 30 Years: Since 1983
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